License plate anonymizer is an easy-to-use solution that automatically blurs or removes license plate information from photos and videos to safeguard privacy. It complies with data protection regulations while ensuring the content remains clear and accurate.
Full vehicle bluring
Anon Vehicle
Full vehicle blurring is a smart privacy tool that automatically hides entire vehicles in images and videos. It helps protect personal information, ensures compliance with privacy laws, and keeps the overall scene clear and understandable.
Face anonymizer
Anon Face
Face anonymizer is a smart tool that automatically detects and blurs faces in photos and videos, keeping one’s privacy safe. It helps meet data protection rules while still keeping the content clear and easy to understand.
Full person bluring
Anon Person
Full person blurring is a privacy-first solution that automatically obscures individuals in images and videos, ensuring personal data is protected while maintaining compliance with privacy regulations. It preserves the overall context of the content, balancing security and clarity.