Parking Platform

Navigate intelligently, park effortlessly.

Mapping parking spots

Virtual parking lot

Mapping parking spaces is a key process that pinpoints the exact location of each spot in real time and environment. The process allows users to utilize navigation systems to efficiently find and reach the desired parking spot.

Live parking status

Find your parking spot

For every parking space managed by our system, users can view the status in real time. The status is refreshed every minute or triggered by events, depending on the type of devices installed at the parking location.

Live parking spot status

Statistics of occupancy

Control your parking spaces

Parking owners can use analytics to track the utilization of individual parking spaces and identify areas with higher or lower demand. The data provides real-time insights into both historical usage trends and the current status of parking spots at any given moment.

Statistic of occupancy

Online payment system

Book, park, pay

Our system also offers payment processing for our users. After renting out a parking space, all the earnings can be withdrawn or used directly from your balance to pay for other parking ventures.

Online payment system

Vehicle protection

Safety first

The system integrates advanced security features that monitor for unauthorized access and trigger immediate alerts. Continuous video recording, frequent snapshots, and real-time alarm notifications ensure both user and vehicle safety, with alerts sent directly to authorities when needed.

Protect you parking vehicle

Smart notifications

Stay notified

Smart notifications keep users informed in real time, delivering relevant updates and alerts based on specific events or conditions. Whether it’s a change in parking space availability, a security breach, or a payment reminder, these notifications ensure that users stay connected and aware without having to constantly check the system.

Be notified